Studio Gang Screens "Coextinction" Documentary

Across our offices, we came together as a Studio to screen the urgent and essential documentary Coextinction.

Coextinction follows filmmakers Gloria Pancrazi and Elena Jean as they expose what it will take to save the last 73 Southern Resident orcas from extinction. Ultimately, their findings reveal how the orcas’ endangerment is tied to several factors including the collapse of wild salmon populations, increasing noise pollution from container ships and small crafts, and centuries of injustice against Indigenous peoples. It’s a story about coextinction.

We were honored to be joined for a post-screening Q&A with Coextinction co-director Gloria Pancrazi. Learn more and discover where you can watch Coextinction.

Jeanne introduces the film in Chicago at the Chopin Theatre.

Co-director Gloria Pancrazi (on-screen) participated in a Q&A following the screening

Our New York office watched the documentary from the screening room at 11 Hoyt, a high-rise residential tower designed by Studio Gang in Brooklyn.